Category Archives: home

We toiled in the midst of perfection

Found this funny picture languishing on my computer —


A while ago, Jim got some junk mail at BKA with a funny tagline under his name. He entered that as his job title on some web form he filled out to receive product information from some company.

Roofer madness

In exchange for putting up their website, we have some contractors here replacing our current roof which had been in very bad shape. Roof replacement is a painful process of discovery.

what the hell?

Some genius who worked on this roof before we moved in decided it was a good idea to: 1) Cut some kind of access hole directly into the roof. 2) Cover it up with shingles and nothing else. Gah!


This is what happens when you don’t put drip edge on a roof. Shingles and siding become mere decorations rather than actual water-repelling implements. Without the drip edge, water ran behind our siding and into our living room and caused holes to form in our roof due to stagnant pools of water.

Josh, welcome to your new role as a homeowner!

Still, I’ll gladly take this over renting any day. It’s a tradeoff we’re happy to make.